
"Burnt" Rhubarb Leaves #752359

Asked May 26, 2021, 4:37 PM EDT

My emerging rhubarb leaves (not the large fully grown ones) look burnt. They are not wilted, but appear burnt, dry, and crispy to touch. The stalks are stiff and still standing up. Is this cause for concern?

Ramsey County Minnesota

Expert Response

Thank you for writing.

I see the problem. It has been damp this year.  You appear to have a lot of mulch which may be keeping the soil damp--conducive to fungi.  I, like this author, have grown rhubarb for many years and never done anything to treat it.  It does like sun.

One final thought.  Your lawn appears quite clean. Garden plants are susceptible to herbicide drift.  If this problem emerged a week after some kind of lawn treatment, that could be the problem.

Thank you for your quick response. After talking to my husband we think it’s herbicide drift because he sprayed weed killer about a month ago. Will the plant survive the effects? Discard the affected stalks? And I get rid of the mulch and just let grass grow, correct? And I agree, I had rhubarb growing up and we enjoyed great harvests with no problems. 

Candace Yates
Quality Supports Manager
2021 East Hennepin Ave. Suite LL20, Minneapolis, MN 55413

From: Ask Extension <<personal data hidden>>
Sent: Wednesday, May 26, 2021 3:45:27 PM
To: Candace Yates <<personal data hidden>>
Subject: Re: "Burnt" Rhubarb Leaves (#0022290)
The Question Asker Replied May 27, 2021, 8:25 AM EDT

Discard the affected stalks by pulling them as you would for any other rhubarb stalk.  Stalks should be pulled not cut.

Cut back on herbicides.  Dandelions, violets are early food for emerging pollinators.  Bluegrass lawns that are cut short are not sustainable.  Grass should grow to 3 inches, the taller the grass, the deeper the root and the less susceptible it is to invaders.  Consider overseeding with some fine fescue.

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