
Dripline watering of arborvitae #752350

Asked May 26, 2021, 4:21 PM EDT

I was told that having a dripline watering of an established arborvitae hedge, 30 yr.old crabapple and a rhododendron harms them because they don't send their roots deep, they go to the surface. Is this true?

Chittenden County Vermont

Expert Response

My first reaction to your question was "water is water"; drip irrigation is more efficient than a sprinkler, but fundamentally the issue becomes the volume of water needed to water mature trees is enormous.  So my answer was going to be "go for it, but it will cost you a fortune".

But the folks at Missouri Extension suggest a better answer:  don't bother in a year with normal rainfall because the tree will take care of itself, but in drought conditions even a bit of water can make a difference to survival of important trees.  They make a specific suggestion of using a 25' soaker hose for two hours at a time and then relocating the hose.  You will deliver surface water only;  never enough to reach the deeper roots, but in drought that could make a difference.

Irrigating Trees and Shrubs During Drought
Rob ~ Master Gardener Volunteer Replied May 29, 2021, 7:03 AM EDT

many thanks!


On 5/29/2021 7:03 AM, Ask Extension wrote:
The Question Asker Replied May 29, 2021, 8:40 AM EDT

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