
love bugs? #752342

Asked May 26, 2021, 4:04 PM EDT

I have many small black winged insects with a red hump behind the head on my flowering thyme in my herb container on my deck. I googled what they could be and they look very much like "lovebugs". They share all the same identifying characteristics. But I read that these insects are prevalent in Florida and found no information on their presence here in Montgomery county, Md. Are they here also now ? Is there something I should do to get them away from my herbs? I deadheaded the thyme to get rid of the flowers and am hoping this does the trick. But main question: Are these lovebugs or something else? Thanks!! Jeanie Roscher

Montgomery County Maryland

Expert Response

Without seeing a photo of the insect and/or the damage to your plant, we cannot say for sure what type of insect it is. There are no current records of lovebugs (Plecia sp.) in Maryland.

This page on our website has information about some of the common pests and problems of herbs.

If you can send us photos of the insects and/or the symptoms you are seeing on your plants, we would be happy to take a look. 


Attached is a video of the insects I'm referring to. They are now on my climbing hydrangea in great volume. Don't seem to be injuring the plant - perhaps just attracted to the flowers? 
I hope the video works for you. I also attached a few photos. Hope you can help. I think they look like lovebugs but ???
Jeanie Roscher

On Thu, May 27, 2021 at 8:26 AM Ask Extension <<personal data hidden>> wrote:
The Question Asker Replied June 01, 2021, 11:00 AM EDT

Hello Jeanie, 

Those are some kind of March flies, however I can't tell you the species from the pictures. While lovebugs are more commonly found down south we do have several species of March flies in Maryland.  March flies are harmless, and the adult feed on nectar and pollen so they will not hurt you or your plants.

- Emily  

An Ask Extension Expert Replied June 02, 2021, 9:04 AM EDT

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