
Tiny tiny black bug with wings gathers on windowsills only? #752238

Asked May 26, 2021, 11:07 AM EDT

Very tiny black bug with wings. There are hundreds of them only on my windowsill. Each day I clean them up only to have hundreds more up here the next day please help me thank you

Will County Illinois

Expert Response

Hello Marge,

The insects appear to be psyllids.  They may have come from house plants if they 'just appeared' from nowhere.  Psyllids suck plant tissue and cause plant leaves to curl and turn yellow.  They are not harmful to humans but really stress plants.  There are different types of psyllids, for example tomato psyllids that only eat solonatious plants like tomatoes. 

I recommend you try to find the source.  If you find it on a house plant, move the plant outside and use a water hose sprayer to spray off the plant, concentrating on the bottom side of the leaves.  Usually you can liberate the plant easily, killing the insects with the water spray only. 

A concentration of neem oil will also do the trick.

The sticky trap is another method of attracting them to one area as you've demonstrated in the photo.  If you can't find the source, alternatively, you can kill them with a common household fly spray. 

I hope this helps. Replied June 01, 2021, 12:02 PM EDT
Hello Matt, I do have A peace Lily plant which I got at Easter time and now that I think of it I believe that’s when these bugs started. I just took the plant outside when I read your note. I have one 5 ft tall cane plant that I’ve had for I think 10 years at least and I checked it all over under the leaves and everything and I don’t see anything there and I had also cleaned the plant with Dawn and I even put Dawn diluted into the dirt.  I have never ever seen any kind of a bug coming from this plant. So I’m going to take care of Washing the peace Lily like you said and I’ll let you know because I really appreciate your help ..thank you so much. Marge

On Tue, Jun 1, 2021 at 11:02 AM Ask Extension <<personal data hidden>> wrote:
The Question Asker Replied June 01, 2021, 11:04 PM EDT

Please do Marge.  We are here to help.



I hope this helps. Replied June 02, 2021, 6:35 AM EDT

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