
Something going on with wild daisy's in my yard #752227

Asked May 26, 2021, 10:36 AM EDT

I have wild daisy's that grow in my yard - the plants don't make leaves - they make the center of the flower, but devoid of leaves. Is this a disease? Should I remove them? Is it dangerous? Is it going to spread to other plants?

Chittenden County Vermont

Expert Response

Hi Mary,

Could you send us a photo?



An Ask Extension Expert Replied May 26, 2021, 11:15 AM EDT

Hi Mary,

Without a photo it is difficult to say.  It may have to do with our dry conditions and early high temperatures. Nature is a bit confused this spring! If you see any further changes, please let us know.

 Kathy, EMG  

An Ask Extension Expert Replied May 30, 2021, 4:51 PM EDT
Thank you so much for getting back to me! 
I did send pictures twice 
But it must not work 
Some more recent daisies look more normal image

Sent from my iPhone

On May 30, 2021, at 4:51 PM, Ask Extension <<personal data hidden>> wrote:

The Question Asker Replied May 30, 2021, 6:35 PM EDT

Hi Mary,

I can see the photos now!  Thanks.  The stems and leaves look good.   I'd watch the plants and see if they begin to recover.  Our spring has been a bit challenging and things need rain!  Let us know if you have more concerns.

Kathy, EMG

An Ask Extension Expert Replied May 30, 2021, 8:48 PM EDT

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