
Soil Sample Confusion #752134

Asked May 25, 2021, 6:51 PM EDT

Confused concerning instructions for taking soil sample for residential lawn. MSU instructions page item 4 states "Take samples to a 3- to 4-inch depth for lawns". Item 4 also states "Each sample should be about 1/2 cup." If I were to use a core sample tool that was 1" in diameter at 4" deep, that sample would only be 5.49 cu inches, about 75% of the 1/2 cup guideline. (A half cup is 7.2 cu inches.)  My home made core tool (13/16" diameter ID) at 4" deep creates a sample that is 2.07 cu inches, about 28% of the 1/2 cup requirement.

Is it better to a) forget the 1/2 cup statement and adhere to the defined sample quantity and the appropriate sample depth, b)  take multiple samples in the same immediate area to  get the 1/2 cup requirement or c) take more than the 10 random sample to come up with a total 5 cups of soil to mix together, returning 1 cup of that final mixture in the soil kit?


Wayne County Michigan

Expert Response

The most important part of the instruction is that we need at least 1/2 cup of soil to do the analyses.  So I would take at least 10 subsamples randomly from around the area you are testing in order to fulfill the 1/2 cup requirement.  The 3-4" depth means you are not taking just the soil at the 4" depth, but you are taking the top 3-4" of soil below the thatch layer of the lawn.

An Ask Extension Expert Replied May 26, 2021, 7:52 AM EDT
Thank you for your response! Very helpful.

I just want to make sure I understand your response. Please confirm.
  • The 1/2 cup collection at each of the 10-15 sample sites mentioned in step “4” is not a critical factor. 
  • The sample size submitted to the lab for testing needs is a critical factor, and should be at least 1/2 cup.
  • The sample submitted to the lab for testing needs to be composed of soil mixed from each of the 10-15 sample sites.
  • Samples from each of the 10-15 sample sites need to be of (roughly) equal volume. 

I also wanted to make sure I understand your comment concerning the "thatch layer”. 
I don’t think I have any thatch build up in my yard. But In any case, my plan was to scrape aside any plant material at each collection site until I could clearly see the top of the soil. Then I would place the core tool in that spot,  press into the soil to a depth of 4”, and then remove. Is that correct?

Thanks again!

On May 26, 2021, at 7:52 AM, Ask Extension <<personal data hidden>> wrote:

The Question Asker Replied May 26, 2021, 10:36 AM EDT
Hi Danny;

Yes, you are correct in your understanding of all my points and where you are to start sampling at the surface of the soil (just below the turf).


From: Ask Extension <<personal data hidden>>
Sent: Wednesday, May 26, 2021 10:36 AM
To: Dahl, Jonathan <<personal data hidden>>
Subject: New response added to your question (#0022065)
An Ask Extension Expert Replied May 26, 2021, 10:41 AM EDT

Thanks again!

On May 26, 2021, at 10:41 AM, Ask Extension <<personal data hidden>> wrote:

The Question Asker Replied May 26, 2021, 10:56 AM EDT
You're welcome!


From: Ask Extension <<personal data hidden>>
Sent: Wednesday, May 26, 2021 10:56 AM
To: Dahl, Jonathan <<personal data hidden>>
Subject: New response added to your question (#0022065)
An Ask Extension Expert Replied May 26, 2021, 11:33 AM EDT
You're welcome!


From: Ask Extension <<personal data hidden>>
Sent: Wednesday, May 26, 2021 10:56 AM
To: Dahl, Jonathan <<personal data hidden>>
Subject: New response added to your question (#0022065)
An Ask Extension Expert Replied May 26, 2021, 11:33 AM EDT

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