
Cedar hedge #752067

Asked May 25, 2021, 2:40 PM EDT

My cedar hedge seems to be dying back at one end , the needles seems to be turning brown big time ! Nothing has changed in area around this hedge . There older but grow good each yr so really would like to know if I can stop this dying off . Thanks Paul Martelle

Chittenden County Vermont

Expert Response

Hi, Paul.  Thanks for your question about cedar browning.  Browning can be due to a combination of factors such as soil, environmental stresses, diseases, and insects.  Please answer these questions to help us pinpoint the cause for your hedge:

1.  Where is the hedge located?  Is it near a road or driveway?  Have you fertilized something nearby recently? What is different about the location of the brown end from the rest of the hedge?

2. What is the soil like around the hedge - damp? dry? packed?  

3. Is there mulch around part or all of the hedge?

4. Is the browning all on the outside of the hedge, or are internal needles changing too?

5. Do you see any evidence of insects in the affected area?

6. Finally, is there anything you can think of that was different during the past year - from a massive winter storm to a new pet, from extra dry or extra wet weather to new construction or yard work?

Could you send another photo or two, one showing the full hedge, and one with a shot of the roots?  I hope we can find a solution for you!

- J.

Hi J .
1 hedge is in Backyard ,mature, in full sun. Location is near far end of hedge but not at the very end ,their tall 10’to12’ I would guess. Older hedge that’s been healthy until now.
2 Soil is sandy with good drainage .
3 Mulch is only around side near grass ,back side is a chain link fence ,neighbors yard.
4 All needles are changing in this area ,seams to be spreading to healthy parts near this area.
5 I see sometimes a little white type of flying bug beside that nothing.
6 No pets and nothing different expect a few yrs ago I but a concert 1’x1’ paver down as a lawn boarder but it just sits on top of ground and not under the shrubs .

I appreciate any help you can offer ,I’m in Colchester off Colchester point rd . It’s a beautiful hedge that I don’t want to loose. I have a landscaper shape the hedge every two yrs and he knows hedges but didn’t think this was anything but winter die back ,that was last yr and it’s now getting worse.
Thank you Paul Martelle  sending pic too Inline image

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On Wednesday, May 26, 2021, 1:40 PM, Ask Extension <<personal data hidden>> wrote:

The Question Asker Replied June 03, 2021, 1:27 PM EDT

Hi, Paul.  Thank you for the extra photos.  What a lovely hedge!  I have some feedback from our pest and disease expert, Ann Hazelrigg.  She says the following:

"This does not look like a foliar disease issue to me since the dieback is all from the tips. My guess is that it is still related to winter desiccation. The plants are on sandy soils and we have had a few years in a row with pretty severe late summer droughts. We are seeing problems as a result of that and sometimes when you would not expect it but trees/shrubs have been going into the winter stressed so are more prone to winter damage.
I would be sure the hedge is mulched and watered through extremely dry times. The Plant Diagnostic Clinic is not taking in samples from home gardeners but will accept samples from commercial landscapers. The landscaper can contact me: <personal data hidden>"

I would also add the observation that the brown area is near the corner of the garage.  I wonder if run-off from the roof during the winter may have affected that are.

Good luck. I hope this all helps!  


Thanks for the insight,I’ll make sure to water regularly and do some more mulching ,thanks again ,Paul

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On Thursday, June 3, 2021, 6:43 PM, Ask Extension <<personal data hidden>> wrote:

The Question Asker Replied June 03, 2021, 7:10 PM EDT

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