
Unknown plant #752060

Asked May 25, 2021, 2:28 PM EDT

What is this plant. There are similar ones that grow a single stalk, same leaves, and this one that has "branches". Don't know if it has a flower because the deer have found in tasty and have eaten the middle stalk. I assume it is a weed because my neighbor has a similar plant but those leaves are much thinner.

Baltimore County Maryland

Expert Response

Without blooms, it is difficult to identify, unfortunately. Yes, the deer browsing probably interrupted its flowering cycle or nipped-off buds. Its foliage and growth habit (and weedy nature) resembles one of our commonly-encountered daisy-family plants, some of which are native. Fleabane (Erigeron) is probably the closest contender (all of which are native), but Horseweed (Conyza, formerly Erigeron canadensis, also native) might be another.


Thanks very much. They invaded my garden so I hope they are a native.  Maybe the deer will leave one to flower.  Will look up the ones you mentioned.  Really appreciate this service that helps identify what I should leave and what I should not!

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On May 26, 2021, at 12:18 PM, Ask Extension <<personal data hidden>> wrote:

The Question Asker Replied May 26, 2021, 2:04 PM EDT

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