
What is this? #752006

Asked May 25, 2021, 10:23 AM EDT

I have three of these on my tree in back yard. What are they? What should I do about them? Thank you

Sussex County Delaware

Expert Response


Thank you for your question.  I imagine these alien looking things are quite surprise, especially earlier in their life cycle where those orange protrusions are much more of a brighter orange.  These are the galls of the Cedar Apple Rust fungus.  This is a naturally occurring disease that occurs on Eastern Red Cedar and also affects apples.  I would suggest removing the galls by pruning to prevent further spread, especially if you have apple trees near.  Here is a fact sheet with more in depth information:

Please feel free to reach out if you have additional questions!

Blake - <personal data hidden>

An Ask Extension Expert Replied May 26, 2021, 9:38 AM EDT
Thank you so much for the response. I removed them and cut them open bc I was curious. 

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On Wednesday, May 26, 2021, 9:38 AM, Ask Extension <<personal data hidden>> wrote:

The Question Asker Replied May 26, 2021, 12:06 PM EDT

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