
Apple blossom issues #751951

Asked May 24, 2021, 10:58 PM EDT

Hello! I’m having issues with my Apple tree. I believe it’s a golden delicious variety. These past few years we have had tons of blossoms but they dry up and fall off before fruiting. Thought maybe it was frost related but don’t believe it has been hit by frost after blossoms set. The tree does have some sort of scabs or blisters or rust of some sort. No idea. But the leaves have marks on them. Tree seems otherwise healthy. Can anyone help me identify and treat? Thanks in advance!

Klamath County Oregon

Expert Response

Hi, a common issue in the PNW that can cause this issue in apple is the apple blister or apple rust mite. These are tiny, microscopic mites that are yellowish/ golden.

Here are some references on those mites that might be helpful:

and this one, with better pictures more like what you are seeing:

I hope you find this helpful- distance diagnosis can be tricky! If you don't think this lines up with what you are seeing, please don't hesitate to let me know so we can try again. Thank you, Nicole 

An Ask Extension Expert Replied May 28, 2021, 3:49 PM EDT
Hey Nicole,

Thanks for the info! That USU article definitely has pictures that resemble my leaves. Sounds like I already missed the window for treatment this year but really, really hoping to catch it for next year! So do you think this blister mite would also cause the blossom drop? Or might that be unrelated? We also have cherry trees (I believe Rainier variety) that are experiencing the same sort of blossom drop. We had meat rabbits under the cherry trees for a few years so I have assumed they are affected due to excessive nitrogen in the soil? Is that reasonable? And speaking of soil content, do you know how I could go about getting my soil tested? Thanks for sharing your expertise!


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On May 28, 2021, at 12:49 PM, Ask Extension <<personal data hidden>> wrote:

The Question Asker Replied May 28, 2021, 6:30 PM EDT

Hi Rick, the mites could definitely be responsible for blossom drop, the eggs are laid right into the buds.

here's the latest on testing garden soil:

Nitrogen does not stay in the soil very long- if it has been some time since you had the rabbits under the trees, that's probably not the issue. Soil test might be a good idea.

Hope this is helpful,


An Ask Extension Expert Replied June 01, 2021, 3:18 PM EDT

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