
Tree roots eaten #751950

Asked May 24, 2021, 10:57 PM EDT

So, my crabapple tree seemed to be thriving the last 5 years. This year, however, the tree fell over. It turns out that something ate its roots. When I looked in the hole that had held the tree, I didn’t see any tunnels. Any idea what did it in? I live 5 miles from Sunriver.

Deschutes County Oregon

Expert Response

Hi Vicki,  Sorry to hear about your crabapple.  I am not sure what could have caused the damage.  Voles can do damage on smaller trees, not sure what size the tree was... Pocket gophers can also eat roots but strange you didn't see any evidence of tunnels or burrows.  Seems there should be some evidence of a critter?  I would suggest continued monitoring around your other trees.  If you catch a glimpse of something try to get a photo and send our way.   Thanks 

Thank you for the sage advice. I will continue to monitor this area. Be well!

Sent from my iPhone. Please excuse any grammatical errors.

On May 27, 2021, at 12:16 PM, Ask Extension <<personal data hidden>> wrote:

The Question Asker Replied May 27, 2021, 3:52 PM EDT

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