
Eliminating/controlling Willow bushes #751642

Asked May 23, 2021, 5:38 PM EDT

We have an area that is fairly wet (sump pump empties here and neighbors runoff). We would like to eliminate or at least control the willows in this area, we don’t want to get rid of all of them, but they just continue to encroach on other areas of our yard. Thanks

Arapahoe County Colorado

Expert Response

Hello Audrey,

Is it possible for you to take a few pictures of the willows and the area they occupy and attach them to a reply email? Thanks.

Judy K Arapahoe County Master Gardener Replied May 25, 2021, 9:47 PM EDT
Hi, here are 2 photos of the area. The photo with the most willows we want to leave alone, the 2nd photo is where we want to eliminate them. The area is pretty wet from runoff from neighbors and us.
Thanks for your help. Audrey

On Tue, May 25, 2021 at 7:47 PM Ask Extension <<personal data hidden>> wrote:
The Question Asker Replied May 26, 2021, 1:12 PM EDT

Hi Audrey,

Thank you for the photos. They were very helpful and, in this case, changed how I am going to answer your question.

Probably the most effective product you could use to eliminate the shrub willows is aquatic glyphosate. Because the area is constantly wet, this product (available at most big box stores) would do the job.

However, my concern is that because the shrubs you want to eliminate are both close in proximity and uphill of the ones you want to keep, there will no doubt be herbicide runoff that could injure or kill the downhill willows.

Therefore, my suggestion to you would be to cut down the uphill willows near the ground level which will make them more manageable. Then dig up the roots with a shovel. This will be a labor intensive job the first time, but once they are under control, it shouldn't take too much work down the road to maintain the area.

Judy K Arapahoe County Master Gardener Replied May 27, 2021, 10:32 PM EDT

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