
Damage on holly tree #751605

Asked May 23, 2021, 2:47 PM EDT

I noticed this spring that I have some damage on the trunk of one of my holly trees. See photos attached. I’m assuming this is caused by an insect but not sure. Can you give me any advice on how to treat the tree? Do I need to seal the damaged area to protect it from further infestation or damage? Thanks for any help you can provide!

Ottawa County Michigan

Expert Response


The fact that the holes are in rows is a classic example of a sapsucker woodpecker that is foraging on the tree. Sapsuckers do not seek out diseased trees, they are drilling to get at the trees sap.
I am including a good explanation from a previous Ask Extension expert Robert Schimdt regarding sap sucker tree damage.

Unlike other woodpeckers, sapsuckers are not primarily interested in insects for food. Instead, they're looking for tree sap. They collect sap using their long brush- tipped tongue as the sap flows out of the holes they've drilled. The holes sapsuckers drill are about one-eighth of an inch in diameter, and are evenly spaced up and down and around the trunk, appearing as if done by a machine. Don't confuse sapsucker holes with holes created by insect borers. Borer holes are rarely as numerous as sapsucker holes and are randomly spaced. Yellow-bellied sapsuckers most often drill holes in white birch, sugar maple, red maple, Austrian pine, Scots pine, Canada hemlock, apple, ornamental crabapple, mountain ash and linden trees. In most cases, sapsuckers do not seriously harm trees. The holes are shallow and the wounds do not cause significant or permanent damage. But sometimes a particular tree becomes a favorite feeding place for an individual sapsucker. In this case, large areas on the trunk may be dotted with many holes. When this happens, the tree may be weakened and become more sensitive to other problems, such as disease or drought. The wounds themselves may attract harmful insects.

See a certified arborist for an appropriate assessment of your tree's health. To control sapsucker damage, wrap the area of the trunk where the bird is drilling with burlap or hardware cloth. Scare the bird away as often as possible when you discover it drilling. Sometimes placing an artificial owl or snake in the tree may *temporarily* frighten it away. Be prepared, however, for the bird to simply move up the tree trunk to an uncovered portion.”

If you need to find an arborist in your area, one can be found at the following link by zip code. Select a certified arborist since they have all the proper education and certification in trees and shrubs.

Find an Arborist (

More information on woodpeckers.

Woodpecker and Sapsucker Damage on Trees | University of Maryland Extension (

10 Types of Woodpecker Holes and Other Woodpecker Sign on Trees – Nature Identification

yellow bellied sap sucker tree damage #330103 - Ask Extension

I hope this helps you out and contact Ask Extension if you have further questions.

An Ask Extension Expert Replied May 25, 2021, 6:27 PM EDT
Thanks so much for your reply. This makes total sense. We installed a bird feeder nearby with suet cakes within this past year and have had lots of woodpeckers visit. I’m pretty sure I’ve seen some of these little guys. A little tree damage is well worth having them and other species so nearby and viewable. Thanks also for the tips to keep them from pecking on one tree too much!

Sent from my iPhone

On May 25, 2021, at 6:27 PM, Ask Extension <<personal data hidden>> wrote:

The Question Asker Replied May 25, 2021, 8:20 PM EDT

You’re welcome! Enjoy the summer

An Ask Extension Expert Replied May 25, 2021, 9:34 PM EDT

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