
fallow garden this season #751578

Asked May 23, 2021, 1:03 PM EDT

I am not going to plant any veggies in my small 12' X 12' garden plot this year. What can I do to not have the garden get overtaken by weeds? They are already appearing and I don't know how to treat the soil. I would prefer not spraying lots of chemicals down but will spot spray if needed. Can I lay a environmentally biodegradable groundcover on it like hay or crass cuttings from our turf? Thanks! I live in Severance.

Weld County Colorado

Expert Response

Hello, Thanks for the question.  

  Yes, you can lay down biodegradable groundcover. But you need to make sure that the hay is weed and seed free. Look for certified weed free hay.  Otherwise, you will have lots of seedlings coming through the hay covering.   Also, if you decide to use grass cuttings, you need to make sure it is weed and seed free.   Make sure you mow the grass area before it sets seed.  In addition, the grass needs to be dried before putting down on the soil, so that it does not form a mat that does not allow water and air to penetrate. 

These documents from CSU extension will give you additional information about your vegetable gardening.

Thanks again for contacting us.  Please let us know if there are any other questions you may have.


Weld County Colorado Master Gardener

On Mon, May 24, 2021 at 3:51 PM Ask Extension <<personal data hidden>> wrote:

Hi Weld County,

Question #0021509 has been assigned to you by CSU E.

fallow garden this season

I am not going to plant any veggies in my small 12' X 12' garden plot this year. What can I do to not have the garden get overtaken by weeds? They are already appearing and I don't know how to treat the soil. I would prefer not spraying lots of chemicals down but will spot spray if needed. Can I lay a environmentally biodegradable groundcover on it like hay or crass cuttings from our turf? Thanks! I live in Severance.

From: perrybiz7
Submitted: 05/23/2021 1:03 PM

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Weld County Colorado Master Gardeners Replied May 25, 2021, 1:35 PM EDT

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