
New to area and want to plant fruit trees #751516

Asked May 22, 2021, 7:28 PM EDT

Dear Sir or Madam. I've recently purchased a 40 acre parcel with home in southern Douglass county. The property is at about 7500 feet and the soil is predominantly decomposed granite. The property I have was planted with a lot of ornamental trees but many have died off. I'd like to replace these trees and possibly expand the plantings with apples, cherries, apricots and other fruits but being new to the area I'm uncertain of what cultivars and rootstocks would do well in this area. Space is not a concern so standard rootstocks would be fine although I understand that some dwarfing rootstocks in apples promote yields in fewer years in some cases which I might find attractive. Also I have experience grafting different cultivars of apples, pears, cherries and other cultivars on rootstocks so if there was a source of suitable rootstocks available along with scions of different suitable cultivars I would have an interest in establishing my plantings this way as well. My question is if there's anyone that could point me in the right direction to get answers to these questions? My phone number is<personal data hidden> if you prefer to reach me that way. Thanks. John Cornell

Douglas County Washington

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Colorado Master Gardeners of Douglas County
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Hi John!
You sound very knowledgeable in fruit trees. To start, I have some concerns about the soil composition.  I would suggest getting the soil evaluated.  The granite composition concerns me as well as the die off of ornamental trees(or was it old age?)
I will send along some information on fruit trees in our publications.  I will also suggest a site called Plant Select that will give you a wealth of local cultivars for this area,

On Mon, May 24, 2021 at 3:54 PM Ask Extension <<personal data hidden>> wrote:

Hi Douglas County Master Gardeners,

Question #0021447 has been assigned to you by CSU E.

New to area and want to plant fruit trees

Dear Sir or Madam. I've recently purchased a 40 acre parcel with home in southern Douglass county. The property is at about 7500 feet and the soil is predominantly decomposed granite. The property I have was planted with a lot of ornamental trees but many have died off. I'd like to replace these trees and possibly expand the plantings with apples, cherries, apricots and other fruits but being new to the area I'm uncertain of what cultivars and rootstocks would do well in this area. Space is not a concern so standard rootstocks would be fine although I understand that some dwarfing rootstocks in apples promote yields in fewer years in some cases which I might find attractive. Also I have experience grafting different cultivars of apples, pears, cherries and other cultivars on rootstocks so if there was a source of suitable rootstocks available along with scions of different suitable cultivars I would have an interest in establishing my plantings this way as well. My question is if there's anyone that could point me in the right direction to get answers to these questions? My phone number is <personal data hidden> if you prefer to reach me that way. Thanks. John Cornell

From: John W Cornell
Submitted: 05/22/2021 7:28 PM

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Kind Regards, Replied May 25, 2021, 10:35 AM EDT

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