
Peach Tree Blight? #751435

Asked May 22, 2021, 10:08 AM EDT

We have a peach tree about 4-5 years old, in 15% clay and sand, 70% silt. Access to full sun and lots of mulch. Well-drained soil. The tree does have deer scars. This problem was noticed two days ago, and it covers almost the entire tree. What kind of blight is it and what do we do about it?

Howard County Maryland

Expert Response

This looks like peach leaf curl, a preventable fungal disease. This can cause some defoliation but not typically a significant problem. Spray liquid lime sulfur or another fungicide at bud break. It is too late for treatment this year. If there are not too many leaves affected, you can remove them and dispose of in the trash. Hand thin the peaches. See our web page on stone fruit diseases.

Here is more on care of peaches, fertilizing, spray schedules, etc.


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