
Poison ivy or Jack-in-the-pulpit #751400

Asked May 21, 2021, 9:06 PM EDT

This plant appeared recently under a bird feeder in my yard. It looks like Jack-in-the-pulpit, but its leaves are scalloped. Can you identify it for me? I could wait for berries, but I don't want my dog to wade into it without me knowing...

Hennepin County Minnesota

Expert Response

Hello! Thank you for your question and photo.  This plant looks consistent with Jack-in-the-pulpit, and they sometimes do display the rippled texture you see on the outer edge.  There are a couple of things you can look at to see if you can get a more accurate ID (without the flowers and fruit, as you note). Jack-in-the-pulpit is an herbaceous plant, meaning that it will die down in the frost, while poison ivy is a woody vine or shrub.  It seems unlikely that you would just see one stalk of poison ivy, so you may want to check around the area to see if you see more stalks coming from a vine or other kind of woody structure.  If it is Jack-in-the-pulpit, the stalk will look more green and have a soft/spongy texture. Keep in mind that Jack-in-the-pulpit do not flower every year, and can also produce male or female flowers on the same plant on alternate years. So, if you don't see a flower this year, it may be that the plant is still reaching maturity.  

Hope this helps!

Abby Replied May 26, 2021, 6:41 AM EDT
Thank you, Abby!  I appreciate your reply.  I do have Jack-in-the-pulpit in another part of my yard and thought that's what I had here but was befuddled by the lack of flowering.  Plant sex confuses me. (Raspberry stalks?  Don't get it.  English major!)

If you have time to answer another question, I would appreciate it.  I've had the plant below in one of my garden beds for years. Sometimes the blooms are more shy than others.  I think that it is (white) prairie blue-eyed grass, but a couple of details of its anatomy don't conform to what I've seen in ID guides.  The pics are from 2020 and now, respectively.

With thanks for your work,



On May 26, 2021, at 5:41 AM, Ask Extension <<personal data hidden>> wrote:

The Question Asker Replied May 26, 2021, 3:18 PM EDT

Could it be Star-of-Bethlehem? The flower and the striped blade are consistent with that plant.

Abby Replied May 27, 2021, 11:51 AM EDT
Yes, yes, yes!  My native guides were no help because it is not native.  But all of the description--of the plant, the bloom time, the spread--are consistent with what I have.

Thank you, again, Abby! I hope the rain is nurturing the plants in your life. 


On May 27, 2021, at 10:51 AM, Ask Extension <<personal data hidden>> wrote:

The Question Asker Replied May 27, 2021, 2:20 PM EDT

Thank you!  Yes, the rain is really greening everything up :) Have a wonderful weekend!

Abby Replied May 28, 2021, 7:39 AM EDT

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