
Water requirements #751396

Asked May 21, 2021, 8:05 PM EDT

Is there any kind of guide that gives how much water different types of plants need from a drip irrigation system? For example, Lilacs, Hydrangeas, raspberries, etc.

Weld County Colorado

Expert Response

Thanks for contacting AE.  You have a very good question but one that is specific to your individual landscape. 
Water needs of plants in Colorado are dependent on several factors. 
The exposure of the plants.  What direction do they face? Is it a windy situation?  What is the soil type? What is the age of the plant? What is the growth stage of the plants.. flowering stage, fruiting etc.?   What are the individual needs of the plants?

The following documents from CSU and affiliates can help fine tune your answers.

 Deciduous shrubs

 Hydrangeas › blog › hydrangeas-colorado

  Growing raspberries in the home garden | UMN Extension


 Raspberries for the Home Garden-7.001 › topic-areas › yard-garden

    There are several management methods you can employ to help gauge the water needs in connection with your specific gardening situation. To test the soil moisture content you can use the hand method of digging in the soil to check moisture content.  Is the soil powder dry, medium moist or even muddy?    The ease in which you can probe the soil can tell you a lot about the water content.  A long screwdriver can help with this.   It can help show the moisture depth of the soil.   There are also soil moisture meters that are available but they are not always accurate.   You can also plant what is known as a water indicator plant that will wilt when the soil moisture is low, such as whitesnake foot.  A soil depth of 6 to 12 inches can support the plants after they have established after the initial planting period.

 Lilacs have a low to medium water needs.

Hydrangeas are not necessarily a low-water plant, but they can be used in the landscape quite effectively, grouped with other plants that have similar water requirements.  Grouping plants in a landscape with similar water needs is called hydro-zoning and is a design technique that can reduce your overall cost to maintain a landscape.  
In our climate, Hydrangeas grow particularly well in North and East-facing exposures.  It is best to avoid Southwest, or Western exposures.  The Annabelle variety is the shrub with large white flowers that you may have seen around town.  They can cope with western exposure  in the landscape, with a little shade.

Raspberries need more water during the fruiting season.  

Shorter more frequent watering will allow the soil to absorb the water and make better use of your water.   Soil should be moist in lower depths but not soggy.  

There are many extension documents about gardening needs at the Weld County Extension office     There you will find lots of information that is easy to use.  

Thanks again for a great question.   If you have any other questions that we can answer for you, please contact us.


Weld County Mastergardener 

On Mon, May 24, 2021 at 3:57 PM Ask Extension <<personal data hidden>> wrote:

Hi Weld County,

Question #0021327 has been assigned to you by CSU E.

Water requirements

Is there any kind of guide that gives how much water different types of plants need from a drip irrigation system? For example, Lilacs, Hydrangeas, raspberries, etc.

From: Gary J Eifert
Submitted: 05/21/2021 8:05 PM

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Weld County Colorado Master Gardeners Replied May 25, 2021, 12:26 PM EDT

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