
Thornless Raspberries Dying #751348

Asked May 21, 2021, 4:23 PM EDT

My raspberries have set fruit, but the leaves on a number of plants are turning yellow—they have brown (or reddish) spots. Then the leaves dry up, fall off, and the plant dies. Some strawberries in the next bed are starting to have the spots.

Howard County Maryland

Expert Response

The issues with the strawberries is different than what is going on with your raspberries.

For your strawberries, we see some leaf spots which should be easy to manage. Pick off the worst affected leaves and put them in the trash. Thin the plants a bit for better air circulation. 

Here is our page on Strawberry planting and training:

Unfortunately the raspberry issue is much more damaging. It is a rust disease that can not be cured. This can even come from rust infected wild brambles nearby. Those plants, including their roots should be dug out, bagged and disposed of in the trash.

 See more on our webpage


All,  Is the answer the same for raspberries?  My second submission was for raspberries, not strawberries.  So far, the strawberries are healthy and producing well.
Thanks, Betty

On Mon, May 24, 2021 at 11:56 AM Ask Extension <<personal data hidden>> wrote:
The Question Asker Replied May 24, 2021, 12:38 PM EDT

My apologies. I got my berry questions mixed up.

The dieback symptoms on your raspberries could be caused by one or more of a number of factors. 

This could include environmental stress, one or more diseases (canker diseases such as cane blight, spur blight, anthracnose),borers, a root problem or site issues like poor drainage. Any fruited canes left from last season that overwintered are naturally dying now too. 

The link shared above covers many of these issues.

At this point we would recommend pulling them out and if you choose to replant, choose a different location with a new bed.


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