
Leaf drop #751178

Asked May 20, 2021, 8:03 PM EDT

Hi! Today 5/21/2021 leaves fell off my neighbors tree. None had fallen yesterday. The leaves turned yellow, some are spotted. I have attached three photos. One of six leaves; one close up of a leaf; and the last showing the backside of a leaf. She does not know the name of the tree. It is about 40 feet tall on the side of her house in Bethesda Maryland. What is causing the leaves to turn yellow and fall? Could it be cicadas? What should she do to treat the problem or prevent further damage? Thank you.

Montgomery County Maryland

Expert Response

It would be helpful to us if you could send us a photo or two of the whole tree and the arrangement of leaves along a branch, which would give us more clues as to what species of tree it is. In turn, we'd have a better idea of what could be affecting it.

More photos can be attached directly to this reply.



Thank you for  responding so quickly.
I have attached three pics of this tree with  The sudden leaf drop.  The tree has no low branches for a close-up.

Sara McAndrew


On Fri, May 21, 2021 at 10:37 AM Ask Extension <<personal data hidden>> wrote:
The Question Asker Replied May 21, 2021, 2:01 PM EDT

We don't think that your neighbor needs to worry or take any action for her tree.

While there looks to be some minor leaf spotting, we are seeing leaf yellowing and fall across multiple species that is related to them producing many more than they need in the spring, and then dropping some as we have entered into a period of a rain deficit (about 2" below normal right now) and unusually high heat for May.

Unrelated but interesting, we think we see the leaves of two different types of trees. The large tree looks like it could be a Boxelder (which is a type of native maple) and the small outgrowth to the right with heart-shaped leaves could be our native redbud or something similar. We wonder if as the boxelder grew if it encompassed this smaller tree.


Thank you for your  throught response. My neighbor will be relieved to know she need not worry about her tree.  True, we need rain and it has been hot the last few weeks.
That is so interesting that the boxelder may have grown around the redbud.  

It seems you are a good investigator in addition to being a scientist! 
Thank you very much for your time and effort.

Sara McAndrew

On Mon, May 24, 2021 at 10:40 AM Ask Extension <<personal data hidden>> wrote:
The Question Asker Replied May 24, 2021, 7:34 PM EDT

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