
Bugs on Birch Tree #751088

Asked May 20, 2021, 2:02 PM EDT

I have a thirty year old birch and I noticed some damage this year to one of the trucks. I have attached a picture of the bugs. Is my tree a goner or is there something I can do or use to save it? Thanks,

Frederick County Maryland

Expert Response

The bugs you are seeing there are a type of beneficial predator called Assassin Bugs. 

Assassin bugs hunt and eat other insect pests. They do not harm trees at all. (They can bite if handled, but won't go after you.) Here is our page on them:

The discoloration on the bark is just bleeding sap, which these trees can do for various reasons. 

The health of the tree itself can't be predicted from your photo alone, but this page from our website can help you to know if your tree is having problems and who can help:


Thank you so much!

The Question Asker Replied May 21, 2021, 9:23 PM EDT

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