
Burning Bush #751057

Asked May 20, 2021, 12:04 PM EDT

I have 8 t0 10 burning bushes that are probably about 12 years old. The leaves turned brown, but did not drop off last winter. They are not leafing this year. A couple of them have gotten some leaves, but not full as normally happens this time of year. Most of the others have some greenery coming up from the base. Do you suggest cutting them back to near ground level, wait and see what happens, dig them out and start over or some other option?

Weld County Colorado

Expert Response


Thank you for your question about your Burning bushes.

We are seeing damage to woody bushes from the late 2020 fall frost which got them before they were hardened off and the early spring 2021 frost which hit right as they were trying to leaf out. You see damage to the branches but the roots are still alive as shown by the shoots they are putting up. You are correct to cut them back and let the new sprouts take over. 

Here is a fact sheet from CSU that goes into more detail about frost damage on bushes:

See this CSU information on how to prune your Burning bushes:

Hope this helps. Please let us know if you have any other questions.

Ruth, CSU Weld County Master Gardener

Weld County Colorado Master Gardeners Replied May 21, 2021, 1:26 PM EDT

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