
Apple and Fruit Trees #751050

Asked May 20, 2021, 11:51 AM EDT

Hi, my name is Deb and I live in Aurora, Colorado. We have 1 apple and 1 peach tree and have experienced them being consumed with bugs inside when we finally pick them. We are wondering if their is a simple way, as we are truly amateurs when it comes to this, but would like to enjoy our fruits. 1. Is there a good time to treat the trees once they have blooms? 2. We have purchased Bonide Eight Yard and Garden but I was told to not use it until there are bugs. I see they also have a Fruit and Tree Guard which is for the fruit after it has produced. 3. Most importantly, is there a proactive preventive treatment that can be used?

Adams County Colorado

Expert Response

Hello Deb, 
Thank you for contacting Master Gardeners.  To help you with your insect problem, I will need a little more information from you.  What type of insect are you seeing in your fruit?  Wormlike or beetle like?  Please be as descriptive as possible.
Adams County Master Gardeners
9755 Henderson Road
Brighton, CO 80601 
<personal data hidden> 

On Thu, May 20, 2021 at 3:42 PM Ask Extension <<personal data hidden>> wrote:
Adams County Master Gardener Replied May 24, 2021, 11:43 AM EDT

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