
Tomato plant leaf curl #750899

Asked May 19, 2021, 2:47 PM EDT

Hello! My tomato plant has inward leaf curl. Starting from a starter plant and I transplanted it about 3 weeks ago. It's in a 5-gallon bucket on my deck. I'm new to area and this is my first attempt here. Thank you so much. -Ruth

Coos County Oregon

Expert Response

There are a few different causes of leaf distortion.  Viruses can cause leaves to twist but don't seem to have a pattern and may be accompanied but other symptoms.  Herbicide damage can occur and cause leaf problems but unless you had herbicide drift or accidently sprayed your plants, I highly doubt this is the cause of your leaf curl.  The third and most likely cause of your tomato plant issues is Physiological Leaf curl. It is common in tomato plants and is usually a sign of environmental stress.  It could be a reaction to the shock of transplanting and the change in temperatures we have been having with the really warm days followed by some chilly evenings.  The good news is it has little effect on the yield of the tomato plant.  Here is some more info on Tomato Leaf Curl and tips to keep your plant healthy and growing well during the season.,a%20reaction%20to%20environmental%20stress.

Samantha Clayburn (she/her/hers) Replied May 19, 2021, 7:10 PM EDT
Thank you very much for your reply.

-----Original Message-----
From: Ask Extension <<personal data hidden>>
To: Ruth Smith <<personal data hidden>>
Sent: Wed, May 19, 2021 4:10 pm
Subject: Re: Tomato plant leaf curl (#0020830)

The Question Asker Replied May 20, 2021, 12:57 PM EDT

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