
leaves curling #750836

Asked May 19, 2021, 11:25 AM EDT

all my burning bushes have leaves curling up, what should I do? First time in spring over 23 years!

Oakland County Michigan

Expert Response

Without a picture of your plant it adds an element of difficulty in helping you determine what might be causing your plants decline

Michigan is in a state of moderate drought. Have you watered the plant? Another thought comes to mind as many are  fertilizing lawn grass and perennial beds. Have you used any fertilizers? Any weed prevention products? Any herbicides that might have over sprayed onto the burning bush?

If you would like to upload photos and provide answers to the questions above that would be very helpful. 


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On May 19, 2021, at 8:40 PM, Ask Extension <<personal data hidden>> wrote:

The Question Asker Replied May 20, 2021, 8:27 AM EDT

That is not a watering issue for sure. Thank you for the photos. I think you may have a couple of things going on here.

The curling leaves are suggestive of aphids which are pests feed on plant juices. The aphids piercing and sucking mouthparts puncture and damage the plant tissue. New tender growth is their favorite! Euonymus alatus Burning Bush while relatively pest and disease free are vulnerable to aphid infestations. 

Another pest that favors Euonymus alatus Burning Bush is euonymus scale. I see tiny white spots on the foliage and stems but I cannot enlarge the picture enough to verify this. 

Burning bushes with good health and vigor can usually weather a pest attack. I am including a link to University of Missouri Extension that has a comprehensive guide regarding Aphids, Scales and Mites on Home Garden and Landscape Plants with treatment options discussed:

Aphids, Scales and Mites on Home Garden and Landscape Plants, G7274 | MU Extension (

Other options are to contact a landscaper to evaluate and propose a treatment plan - there would be a cost involved. Or send a sample to the MSU Plant and Pest Diagnostic lab for an exact diagnosis. here is the link for instructions and cost:

Submit Samples - Plant & Pest Diagnostics (

I wish you all the best! Thank you for using Ask Extension

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