
Fireglow Maple Tree #750610

Asked May 18, 2021, 11:04 AM EDT

We paid quite a lot of money to have a 6" caliper trunk Fireglow Maple (Acer palmatum) planted on a hillside in our front yard two years ago. I carefully watered it each summer since and it appeared to be thriving. This spring, however, many branches are bare with no leaves. I asked an arborist (who came to give an estimation for trimming other trees) about this tree, and he wondered if it might have Verticillium wilt. I would so appreciate any advice you have, as I really don't want to lose this lovely tree. I will include a photo of the tree from 2019 when it was planted - and also a current photo.

Marion County Oregon

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The Question Asker Replied May 18, 2021, 11:07 AM EDT
The photo is too small to see the pattern of dieback on the tree but from your description it is entirely possible that it is Verticillium Wilt. Japanese Maple, unfortunately, is a very sensitive host plant to this disease and I have diagnosed it many times. The link below provides further information on this soil-borne disease. Note that if you remove the diseased branches, you can confirm Verticillium as the cause by the characteristic discoloration in the vascular tissues. Ensure that you thoroughly clean any tools used to prune this tree with 10% bleach or 70% alcohol before pruning anything else in the yard.

Affected trees, unfortunately, tend to continue to decline over time, as there is no way to disinfest a plant of a vascular pathogen like Verticillium. As it is present in soil, planting of any Japanese Maple or other susceptible plant in its place runs a very high probability of infection. The link below provides information on plants resistant to or susceptible to Verticillium Wilt.
Please feel free to write with further questions.
Neil Bell Replied May 18, 2021, 1:15 PM EDT
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The Question Asker Replied May 18, 2021, 1:20 PM EDT
Thank you so much for your prompt and thorough response.
I will follow the valuable advice you give here.
I so appreciate your assistance!
Linda Miller
On 05/18/2021 10:15 AM Ask Extension <<personal data hidden>> wrote:
The Question Asker Replied May 19, 2021, 11:09 AM EDT

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