
How to save the hill behind the house. #750519

Asked May 17, 2021, 7:40 PM EDT

My house is on a pad cut out of Walker Mountain in Grants Pass. Elevation 1700 to 1750. The hill was terraced and planted with Lupine. The Lupine in gone and I am concerned with erosion. The cut is 300' wide and 50' high at the highest point. The soil is mostly decomposed granite. There are sprinklers installed approximately 30' apart on three rows of the cut. I would appreciate help in knowing what to do or plant. I have seen spray on grass seed. It would be nice if there was a seed spray for vertical areas. We are on 10 acres of woodland with lots of deer. They traverse the area. I have seen a fawn lick the sprinkler head for water. I am grateful and happy for your help. I am looking forward to hearing from you.

Josephine County Oregon

Expert Response

Since permanent grass cover is the most effective means of soil erosion control, the relative effectiveness of different plant species is an important consideration. After screening candidates for more than a decade, plant researchers have singled out two populations of blue wild rye, a native grass found throughout the western United States, as excellent choices for use in revegetation and erosion control in the Pacific Northwest. Tall fescue is another good choice. Here are some great publications to check out:

Chris Rusch Replied May 25, 2021, 12:36 AM EDT

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