
How to permanently kill off Lily of the Valley #750353

Asked May 17, 2021, 10:47 AM EDT

I thought I had killed Lily of the Valley off last fall with herbicide, smothering, then mulch. It is back! I can’t believe it. Have never known Roundup to fail but I know L of the V is persistent. It actually piggybacked into my yard years ago, was enjoyed for a bit, then took over. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I rarely use herbicide and only the controlled half round extension for placement of the substance. Short of digging up this whole bed, any answers? Thanks much.

Wayne County Michigan

Expert Response

Hello Linda

Lily-of-the-valley is often difficult to control in the home landscape, as you have just found!  Plants can be destroyed by thorough, repeated digging and removal of their underground stems or rhizomes. Any pieces of rhizome that are left will sprout  and develop into plants. So sifting the soil may be needed. It often takes two or three attempts to completely destroy lily-of-the-valley by digging. 

Keeping the leaves clipped to the ground will eventually starve the rhizomes, but will take several seasons.

The herbicide glyphosate (Roundup is one brand) is another control option. Lily-of-the-valley is a very tough plant. Look for a product with as high a concentration of glyphosate as you can find- these are usually labeled as “brush killers.” Multiple applications of glyphosate are necessary to completely destroy lily-of-the-valley. If treating with herbicide, be sure to leave the treated leaves on the plant at least for 5-10 days so the herbicide has time to move down to the roots.

Please, always read and follow all label precautions and directions

Thanks so much.  That solves the mystery!  Very helpful.

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On Monday, May 17, 2021, 5:00 PM, Ask Extension <<personal data hidden>> wrote:

The Question Asker Replied May 17, 2021, 6:09 PM EDT

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