
pear tree: 35 years old, small diameter, leaning #750049

Asked May 15, 2021, 10:06 AM EDT

I planted a pear tree 35 years ago. It developed a lean, so I have supported it with a rope and stake for many years. The trunk at base never got as large a nearby trees at the base. When I push it, the soil moves, which suggests it is not as deeply rooted as expected. There is another pear tree growing very close, 5-10 years younger, very sturdy, healthy. I meant to move it after clearing some trees for space, but it grew too big too fast. The pear in question never produced until last year (2020), when there was a good crop. Outside of its inability to support itself, it appears healthy - no noticeable amount of dead tissue, for example. Is there anything I can/should do at this stage?

Lamoille County Vermont

Expert Response


I'm unable to ascertain from the photos what the health of the tree is (fungal infection, root health, etc.) You may just be fighting a losing cause by doing anything except move it/remove it, or just leave it as it. My only recommendation is for you to contact a reputable Arborist (licensed, insured and bonded), and seek their counsel. The cost of a professional evaluation may be your best option.  

Wish I had better news today.
Happy Gardening! Replied May 16, 2021, 1:31 PM EDT
Thanks for trying.  I found this in a Google search:
Sent: Sunday, May 16, 2021 1:31 PM
Subject: Re: pear tree: 35 years old, small diameter, leaning (#0019980)
The Question Asker Replied May 16, 2021, 6:44 PM EDT
I noted you used "Arbtalk", a UK social network site for information. The Extension Master Gardener Program serves Vermont residents by providing science based information about home horticulture issues and integrated pest management. We utilize Extension and University research as our tools to educate. Please use caution when researching information from sites other than "edu" or "extension".  We want to be sure your pear tree lives a long life!
Happy Gardening
Happy Gardening! Replied May 18, 2021, 1:30 PM EDT

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