
What's eating my rhubarb? #749932

Asked May 14, 2021, 1:46 PM EDT

I noticed stems eaten yesterday afternoon.  Today 5/14/2021 around 1pm I noticed fresh damage.  A mouse scurried away as I approached the plant but the damage is high for a mouse and I didn't think rhubarb is part of a mouse's diet.  The area is fenced but deer have jumped in, though infrequently.  The area has woodchucks but I've not seen one this year.  Any ideas?  Nothing has bothered my rhubarb before and I've grown it for many years.

Sullivan County New York

Expert Response

I would need a closer look at the situation to see if there were any paw prints around.  Woodchucks have babies and eventually they leave mom to find their own food.
At this point, all I can think of is being vigilant or maybe set up a camera to catch images of what may be coming in at night.  If it is an animal feeding, there is a good chance it will return if it likes the food.  Young animals may sample and decide the plant is not for them so you may not see further damage.  If you do, you will need to find away to discover the animal before I could recommend a control.
Ed Replied May 14, 2021, 2:11 PM EDT

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