
antibiotics available #749397

Asked May 11, 2021, 9:10 PM EDT

I have backyard chickens. One of my hens has a cough and it looks like she may have CRD, a respiratory infection. I live in CA and as of 2018 I can no longer get powdered antibiotics to treat my hen. I found out that I can get them through pigeon websites however. Anyone know where I can get a broad spectrum antibiotic to help my hen?

Santa Clara County California

Expert Response

Unfortunately, our group cannot answer your question because it doesn't serve your location. Please contact your local Cooperative Extension office for assistance. A good way to find your local office is to go to and enter your county or parish name along with your state name. You might also use your favorite search engine and enter "cooperative extension" along with your county name.

Patricia Patterson Replied May 12, 2021, 7:48 PM EDT

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