
Yellow/green patches in lawn #749246

Asked May 11, 2021, 9:20 AM EDT

What is causing these bright yellow/green patches in my lawn. Areas affected, when first appearing, always are circular and then seem to spread. I fertilize with 19 19 19 and spot spray for weeds. I also use crab grass control in areas prone to crabgrass. I have not been able to come up with an answer on the internet. Hope you can help. Thanks

Wright County Minnesota

Expert Response

Hello Rich,

The photos are not clear enough and my guess is that the grasses are cut making it even less likely to identify them correctly.  I recommend having a lawn specialist look at them to determine what they are and how to treat for them.  It would certainly be better than guessing the problem and applying something that may not help.  Here is a link to some information about how to find a professional for your lawn.

Treating for crab grass is certainly a worthwhile process especially at this time just before they emerge.

eGardener Replied May 14, 2021, 6:36 PM EDT

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