
Why are the tips of Woodward Junipers turning brown? #748312

Asked May 05, 2021, 10:07 PM EDT

I just recently purchased 15  Woodward Junipers (b&b) back in early April. It's taken me awhile to get them planted so they were in their pots for awhile. We've been planting a few each weekend since we bought them. Out of the 15 I'd say about half of the trees have the problem. There are just a few browning tips within the top 1/16 of the trees. I've attached a few photos.

Jefferson County Colorado

Expert Response

Thanks for your question to the Jefferson County plant clinic.

While junipers can experience damage from sub-freezing temperatures (as we had in April) and also winter desiccation, depending on how the nursery cared for them, there appears to be lesions on some of these branch tips that could be a symptom of fungus (2 fungi do infect junipers), so it would be useful for you to bring samples like the ones in the photographs to the jefferson county plant clinic at the fairgrounds, 15200 West 6th Ave, Golden 80401,<personal data hidden> ($7 for county residents).


Hi Josh,

I would be glad to look at a sample of the Woodwards to rule out pathogens.  We are seeing a LOT of Freeze damage and winter dessication right now, but still go through the process to rule out biotic (insect, disease) causes.  The clinic is open for sample drop-off Tues-Fri, 8:30 - 4:30.



Mari Hackbarth Replied May 16, 2021, 4:27 PM EDT

Thank you for the replies, I'll bring in a few samples this week.

- Josh

The Question Asker Replied May 19, 2021, 11:31 PM EDT

Super!  I look forward to receiving them.


Mari Hackbarth Replied May 20, 2021, 12:20 PM EDT

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