
Boxwood showing white mildew or pests? #747667

Asked May 03, 2021, 12:38 PM EDT

Boxwood was planted approx. 12 years ago. Some kind of webbing also present. The webbing has been there in past years, thought it was spiders, would just remove or hose off. Also some leaves turning yellow/orange/ brown. What is this and what can I do about it?

Prince George's County Maryland

Expert Response

This white fluffy substance on your boxwood is a waxy secretion produced by an insect called Boxwood Psyllid, a fairly common pest of boxwoods.

Their feeding causes the leaves to cup and curl, but it is primarily cosmetic damage and not detrimental to the overall health and life of the shrub. Fortunately, these insects have just one generation per year.

You can try removing some of the white wax with a strong spray of water from a garden hose. You could also prune and thin the plant to take out the most affected branches or use a horticulture oil (available at garden centers) to control the insects. Read and follow product label instructions.

Your boxwood looks like it could benefit from pruning. The best technique is thinning. It lets in sunlight and provides good air circulation. See the attached link for our pruning video

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