
Viburnum #746729

Asked April 28, 2021, 10:38 AM EDT

What is wrong with my viburnum leaves?

Cecil County Maryland

Expert Response

We looked at the photos. We cannot say for sure but you may be dealing with several issues such as possible aphids, cold damage, and/or herbicide damage.

Look for aphids - they can cause yellowing and curling of the foliage. Unfold the leaves. Look for honeydew and sooty mold. Large shrubs and trees usually outgrow aphid damage during the growing season because beneficial insects reduce aphid populations below damaging numbers. Here is more on aphids

Cold damage - Many plants were lured out of dormancy and then were hit with frosts and cold temperatures.   These damaged portions will eventually drop out. If otherwise healthy, it will push out new growth this spring/summer. You can monitor the growth of the plant this season and send us more photos if you notice additional symptoms.

Herbicides - was anything sprayed around the shrubs, possible drift? Here is more info


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