
Identification of green and red holly like ground cover #746714

Asked April 28, 2021, 9:36 AM EDT

Would like help identifying a plant that seems to be taking over the hillside behind our house. It grows close to the ground and has leaves shaped like a holly leaf with prickly spike at the ends (just like holly). The leaves are green with some red coloration. (Not sure if the red tones are seasonal in the winter). It is currently beginning to produce yellow flowers now that it is getting warmer. Wondering what it is and if it is invasive or desirable/ beneficial. It seems difficult to control and the sharp spikes make it painful to remove.

Jefferson County Colorado

Expert Response

From the image, and particularly the yellow flowers, my best guess is that this may be Creeping Grape Holly which once established is fairly rugged. If you would like to have this sample identified by a specialist in person, you can submit a sample to the Jeffco plant clinic (contact: <personal data hidden> ); otherwise, I would treat this only as a guess and not an official identification.

I am providing some additional information on this plant with pictures and further descriptions for you to reference:

An Ask Extension Expert Replied May 03, 2021, 2:33 PM EDT

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