
Houdini fly in Portland? #744738

Asked April 16, 2021, 10:05 PM EDT

Hi we noticed these flies in our mason bee tubes. After some googling we think it might be a Houdini fly. Is this something that needs to be reported? Are there steps we need to take to help the bees? Thank you, Nikki Edwards & Steve Boyd

Multnomah County Oregon

Expert Response

Nikki and Steve,

Thank you for the excellent images of the Houdini Fly, Cacoxenus indagator, recently identified as a serious, exotic insect pest of Mason Bees.

Here's a pest alert about the Houdini Fly with good images, plus suggestions for people who keep mason bees: Houdini Fly Found in Washington. 

Because the flies move slowly, you'll be able to collect several samples to submit for ID. Refrigerate them in a small covered container until submitted. (Feel free to crush any extra flies you may discover later.) 

This website provides additional details about protecting your Mason Bees:

I suggest you report the flies to the Invasive Species Hotline; call <personal data hidden> or use their online form at

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