
Found black mold in a closet. Looking for advise for proper cleanup and inspection #744636

Asked April 16, 2021, 10:51 AM EDT

Hello. I am looking for information about black mold found indoors. I am looking to educate myself with information so when I present the information to the property owner, they will take it seriously, if this is serious. The property is 134 years old and seems to have been for lease for at least the past decade. Coming from a family business of rentals, I feel know what to look for on a property when it comes to damage and age. The closet I found the mold on shares the front exterior and side exterior wall which are painted brick. The interior is all plaster. The home is so old that the only plumbing to my knowledge is in the back edition with contains the kitchen, bathroom, and laundry. The only water access in the front is a garden spout on the complete opposite side of the home from the mold damage. This closet is in a front, unused spare storage bedroom. The closet only had cardboard boxes and clothing inside of it, nothing moisture related. I go to clean out the closet after living here for a year, I had not opened the closet very often at all so it never gets air circulation. It is about 2 feet wide, 5 feet deep and 20 feet tall (the closet that is). As you will see in the images, along the corner that shares the exterior corner of the home, is where the mold has developed. It is black and spotty on the walls and when it transferred to the boxes and clothing in the closet it is white mold. On the exterior of that area (see image) is a downspout and a runoff. I suspect my property owner has never ever considered cleaning out the gutters but I am unable to get up there to look myself. I want to be armed with proper information to get them to take this problem seriously and not just a cleanup and move on, in case the mold is inside of the walls somehow. I've also received conflicting opinions about using a bleach mixture to clean the area. Some research says it will kill the mold but other research says that it will only kill the exposed mold and if the problem goes deeper inside of the wall, it is actually a hinderance. Thank you for your time, attention and research in advance. The property owner is very hands off, so I want to be able to ask for proper treatment of the problem, armed with proper information about the seriousness of the issue.

Denver County Colorado

Expert Response

Thank you for your question. However, the topic area in which you've made a request is not one that we currently have specialists with this expertise and our experts are not able to provide an objective, research-based response.

Ruth Willson Replied April 16, 2021, 11:03 AM EDT

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