Oak Tree insect Boring holes #744450
Asked April 15, 2021, 11:32 AM EDT
Cecil County Maryland
Expert Response
The flatheaded appletree borer is probably the most common borer in oaks. The best you can do is keep the tree as healthy as possible.
Here's more:
Be sure that mulching, fertilizing and pruning are done correctly:
Over time, soil under a tree gets compacted, particularly from mowing (mowing when soil is wet is especially bad.) Compacted soil does not allow rain and oxygen (roots need) to get to roots. Plug-aeration is one way to combat soil compaction. Top dressing that with compost that will fall in the plug holes is extra good.
Also, over time, trees don't get nourished as they normally would in a woods where leaves fall, decompose and feed the tree. Fertilizer helps, but soil structure itself is not helped by fertilizer. Organic matter does help. You can improve the organic matter in soil by mowing fallen leaves and letting them decompose in your lawn (not deep enough to smother grass). Also let grass clippings lie.
Keep in mind that the roots of a tree extend out as far as 1 1/2 times the height of a tree.