
Best grass seed for Pueblo #744380

Asked April 14, 2021, 6:27 PM EDT

Looking to over seed an existing lawn, can you help? The front lawn faces due south. No shade. Looking for a lawn seed (or seed mix) with lower water needs that holds color for a long time Backyard faces due north. It has some shade, a large dog burns it with urine and compacts it with wear patterns. Looking for a seed or mix that can handle the dog. These do not need to be over seeded with the same mix as I’d rather have an appropriate grass for each than the same grass. I’m willing to insert some plugs so they might spread and take over, but I really would rather not kill and replace my existing lawn. Thanks Ben

Pueblo County Colorado

Expert Response


We have many species of lawn that will do great here. This link has a great guide that gives advantages and disadvantages of some different species, it is very helpful in choosing one. It also gives seeding rates:

This is also a really helpful fact sheet to look at. It will go over how to over seed, and near the bottom it lists species that should and should not be seeded into your existing species:

-Sherie S. Replied April 15, 2021, 10:31 AM EDT
Thanks great info.

Sent from my iPhone

On Apr 14, 2021, at 4:27 PM, Ask Extension <<personal data hidden>> wrote:

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Best grass seed for Pueblo

Looking to over seed an existing lawn, can you help? The front lawn faces due south. No shade. Looking for a lawn seed (or seed mix) with lower water needs that holds color for a long time Backyard faces due north. It has some shade, a large dog burns it with urine and compacts it with wear patterns. Looking for a seed or mix that can handle the dog. These do not need to be over seeded with the same mix as I’d rather have an appropriate grass for each than the same grass. I’m willing to insert some plugs so they might spread and take over, but I really would rather not kill and replace my existing lawn. Thanks Ben

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The Question Asker Replied April 17, 2021, 2:08 PM EDT

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