
Holes in my lawn #744362

Asked April 14, 2021, 4:52 PM EDT

What is digging in my lawn?  How do I stop them?   The hole depths vary from .5 - 1.5 inch.   There's several.  Can make public, just omit name last name and phone number.  Thanks

Rockingham County New Hampshire

Expert Response

To me, this looks like it is most likely skunk damage. Skunks will sometimes dig in lawns in the spring and fall, but the behavior often ceases pretty quickly. It could indicate you have a high grub population, but not necessarily as skunks will eat a variety of arthropods in lawn soil.

There isn't much in the way of research-based solutions. The efficacy of castor oil based repellants is questionable.

It's worth investigating whether you have a grub problem, but I wouldn't jump straight to treatment.

The damage is fairly superficial, and the behavior will almost certainly stop as we go through spring. 

You can explore a variety of management ideas here:

Wishing you good luck.

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