
Is my Redbud tree dead? #743171

Asked April 07, 2021, 9:31 PM EDT

I had a Rising Sun Redbud planted in fall 2019, drip watered it according to instructions, kept it caged to protect against deer browsing until summer 2020, and it doesn’t appear to have survived the winter. How do I tell if it’s dead or just needs more TLC.

Montgomery County Maryland

Expert Response

Well, based on the photos it doesn't look good.  By now you should be seeing some signs of green buds on the stems.

Try scraping the bark off of a few of the branches, if the wood underneath is green the tree is still alive.  If the wood underneath is white and the branch snaps when bent, the tree is dying or dead.

If only a few of the branches are dead you can try pruning and give it another year. If not, remove the tree.



Hello again,

It appears this Redbud tree isn’t completely dead.  It has started sprouting some branches but low on the trunk.  I think I  see some buds on the upper branches, but they are hard to photograph.  I am now scrambling to protect from cicadas.  Any suggestions on how I can help the tree recover?  Thanks!

The Question Asker Replied May 09, 2021, 1:34 PM EDT

Canker can be a significant disease problem. Verticillium wilt, dieback, leaf spots, mildew and blights may also occur. Insect pests include Japanese beetles, tree hoppers, leaf hoppers, caterpillars, borers, webworms and scale. Keeping the tree vigorous by regular watering, fertilization and pruning out dead branches as needed will help keep the tree healthy, but you cannot treat the tree until you have accurately diagnosed the problem.

If you are really set on saving this tree, it might be time to contact an arborist. Here is the link for the Maryland Arborist Association:  Select the "Consumers" tab at the top.  That page will give you instructions on how to select a tree expert.

You will need to net this tree to protect it from cicadas.

Good luck!


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