Getting rid of blackberry thicket #742128
Asked April 02, 2021, 11:57 AM EDT
Multnomah County Oregon
Expert Response
Thank you for your question, Kelly. Here is a brief OSU article on this topic that may be helpful: Methods to control blackberry thickets | OSU Extension Service (
I appreciate that you don't want to use herbicides, and this (a bit more extensive) Extension publication has more in depth management information: Wild Blackberries Management Guidelines--UC IPM (
Clematis is somewhat different, but here is a good all-weed control publication: Roll up your sleeves: Use multiple strategies to control invasive weeds | Oregon State University
Hope these strategies work!
The challenge of introduced (invasive) plants!
Good work, Kelly! Here is the OSU weed management page on herbicides that have some effects on blackberries: I believe that only glyphosate (sold as Roundup) is available to homeowners. The others must be applied by a licensed applicator. There are few other plants that can "compete" with this one, but you might try kinnikinnick, described here: But as long as there are any viable canes or roots, the blueberries will return.
You're most welcome!