
Getting rid of blackberry thicket #742128

Asked April 02, 2021, 11:57 AM EDT

I have a half acre property with about a 1/4 of that with blackberry thicket. I'm trying to eradicate about a 25'x25' patch of that currently. I am hand cutting the canes with loppers and a trimmer and have made good progress. There are a ton of dead canes on the ground currently since I'm not in a spot where I can dispose of them yet (I need to get to a logical exit to rake them out, but it's a pretty thick layer of canes right now). The blackberries and wild clematis have kicked pretty much everything else so the ground will be pretty bare when I am done. In one area, I will be putting down a weed barrier and gravel to place a playhouse, but how do I handle the remaining area to keep the blackberries and clematis from coming back (I realize this requires on-going attention. Would a weed barrier or cardboard (my go-to) with a thick layer of woodchip mulch do the trick? I've done this in other areas of the yard as a temporary measure to fight weeds until I decide what to plant. I'd rather avoid pesticides. Thanks so much for your help - I've found the extension's advice incredibly useful.

Multnomah County Oregon

Expert Response

Thank you for your question, Kelly.  Here is a brief OSU article on this topic that may be helpful:  Methods to control blackberry thickets | OSU Extension Service (

I appreciate that you don't want to use herbicides, and this (a bit more extensive) Extension publication has more in depth management information:  Wild Blackberries Management Guidelines--UC IPM (

Clematis is somewhat different, but here is a good all-weed control publication:  Roll up your sleeves: Use multiple strategies to control invasive weeds | Oregon State University

Hope these strategies work!

An Ask Extension Expert Replied April 02, 2021, 3:21 PM EDT
Thanks.  I had read the first publication and another one regarding Blackberries in the PNW.  I'll read the third one now.  While I haven't eliminated the blackberries in another area, cutting them back repeatedly does seem to keep them in line.  (I joke about a controlled burn, but I see that it's not even effective.  Now where to rent a rototiller....)


On Fri, Apr 2, 2021 at 12:21 PM Ask Extension <<personal data hidden>> wrote:
The Question Asker Replied April 02, 2021, 3:51 PM EDT

The challenge of introduced (invasive) plants!

An Ask Extension Expert Replied April 02, 2021, 7:12 PM EDT
Hi there!  Well I managed to remove the blackberries and clematis from the side lot.  As you can see in the video, lots of bare ground and visible roots that I will try pulling.  What should I use as ground cover that might crowd them out? I am going to use cardboard and mulch for now. Any thoughts on the root and vine killer that you apply directly to the cut stems? It says it minimizes the poison just to the roots.   Video is essentially where I left it Sunday.  Photos were in progress.    


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On Apr 2, 2021, at 4:12 PM, Ask Extension <<personal data hidden>> wrote:

The Question Asker Replied May 05, 2021, 5:10 AM EDT

Good work, Kelly!  Here is the OSU weed management page on herbicides that have some effects on blackberries:   I believe that only glyphosate (sold as Roundup) is available to homeowners.  The others must be applied by a licensed applicator.  There are few other plants that can "compete" with this one, but you might try kinnikinnick, described here:    But as long as there are any viable canes or roots, the blueberries will return.

An Ask Extension Expert Replied May 05, 2021, 10:14 AM EDT
I wish it were BLUEberries that returned and not blackberries.  LOL   At least I've gotten it to a point where constant vigilance will have some impact.  I was looking at Bonine Stump-out Stump and Vine Killer that is available at Ace Hardware.  Thanks for the handout on ground covers -- I will read that.

Your help has been fantastic!  Thank you so much!


On Wed, May 5, 2021 at 7:14 AM Ask Extension <<personal data hidden>> wrote:
The Question Asker Replied May 05, 2021, 10:51 AM EDT

You're most welcome!

An Ask Extension Expert Replied May 05, 2021, 10:52 AM EDT

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