What is this grassy weed? Light color. Yellowed in early spring. Shallow roots. - Ask Extension
I am trying to identify the attached growth. Is it a weed or type of grass? This growth appears in bunches (pattern is often a circle) developing on ...
What is this grassy weed? Light color. Yellowed in early spring. Shallow roots. #741701
Asked March 30, 2021, 10:50 PM EDT
I am trying to identify the attached growth. Is it a weed or type of grass? This growth appears in bunches (pattern is often a circle) developing on the partially shaded and inclined lawn. At the end of March, the spots look dead, like the color of hay. They can be pulled fairly easily and are low, like grass. In summer, the patches are a different color than my tall fescue. Attached are pictures take at various times of the year.
Montgomery County Maryland
Expert Response
Hi, James,
Your photo appears to be of Nimblewill,
Muhlenbergia schreberi. You can find out more about it with this link, Nimblewill Muhlenbergia schreberi. You will see that the best controls are a healthy, dense lawn, sometimes hard to do in a shaded area, and mechanical removal.
Thank you for your question.
Your photo appears to be of Nimblewill,
Muhlenbergia schreberi. You can find out more about it with this link, Nimblewill Muhlenbergia schreberi. You will see that the best controls are a healthy, dense lawn, sometimes hard to do in a shaded area, and mechanical removal.
Thank you for your question.