
Zoning and Animal limits #741469

Asked March 29, 2021, 5:32 PM EDT

Does RR2 Zoning on a property that is 1.47 allow for me to have one horse and one llama?

Benton County Oregon

Expert Response

The property has 1.47 acres.

The Question Asker Replied March 29, 2021, 5:51 PM EDT


Thank you for reaching out to Extension Services.  We always recommend connecting directly with the county to confirm any zoning questions. You can reach Benton County at: <personal data hidden>  

That being said, zoning may not be the limiting factor for you. Your lot size is smaller than the recommendation for one horse if you plan to graze.  While llamas require less land, they will have impact on the soil and the pasture.    

I highly recommend that you review this publication: Managing a Small Acreage Horse Farm:

Horses, grass, manure, soil and water are all interconnected. How you manage one affects the others. Following the seven steps in the above publication can make your horse farm safe, efficient, and environmentally friendly. Learn more about horse grazing habits, pasture rotation, weed control, manure management, buffer strips, rain gutters and well water protection.

If you are attempting to figure the carrying capacity of land for a horse, then a good rule of thumb is 1-1/2 to 2 acres of open intensely managed land per horse. Two acres, if managed properly, should provide adequate forage in the form of pasture and/or hay ground. But this is highly variable depending on location.  Since we cannot have animals out on pasture year round, you will need to factor in the size of your sacrifice area.  The above publication will go into more detail on this.  

If you are depending on the land for exercise rather than nutritional needs (i.e., your horse gets hay each day), a smaller area may be adequate.  You will need to manage it intensively to prevent mud and the degradation of pasture and soil health. 

How much land for a horse?,pasture%20and%2For%20hay%20ground.

Here is a great library resource on Llamas. If you choose to have one you will need to be sure the supplemental nutritional needs are met.

Warm Regards,  Replied March 30, 2021, 1:00 PM EDT

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