
blue arrow juniper yellowing #741198

Asked March 28, 2021, 11:28 AM EDT

Hi! we planted 4 blue arrow junipers last spring in 2 pairs. By the autumn 2 were turning yellow and look like they are dying but it was one from each pair. One pair is located north and get full day sun and 2 are southeast and get afternoon sun.  Is there anything I can do to save them? Thank you

Adams County Colorado

Expert Response

Good morning,

Thank you for your question regarding your juniper trees.  A common issue juniper's experience is the lack of winter watering. Because of our dry winter climate junipers do need to receive water during the winter months.  I'm also including a Fact Sheet about planting evergreens/junipers as you indicated the problem started after planting last spring.  The Fact sheet provides a great deal of information for your review and provides a reference to other Facts Sheets that may be helpful.

Happy Gardening.
Adams County Master Gardener Replied March 31, 2021, 1:13 PM EDT

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