
killing hydrangea roots #740398

Asked March 23, 2021, 3:21 PM EDT

Ihave a large area of hydrangeas (paniculata,i think.white large flower) taking over the garden! Iwant to replant new wild flowers. What is the best way of killing the hydrangea roots without using spades etc as it is a large area . Thank you in advance of information,Patrick.

Ramsey County Minnesota

Expert Response

Thank you for your question.  It sounds like you have some very happy hydrangeas.  I would suggest thinning the hydrangeas by digging them out over the course of a few years.  You may even consider offering the hydrangeas to others and end up with plenty of help to dig them out.  If you choose to remove the plants via an herbicide, keep in mind that you will need to ensure you only apply to plants that you want to kill.  Also, you may need to wait before planting new plants in the area.  

If you choose to proceed by thinning the hydrangeas, you can plant wildflowers in empty spaces.  Several of our native wildflowers are vigorous and well-suited to filling in quickly.  A list of native plants suited to our climate can be found here:  

If you have a challenging site, check out the University of Minnesota Extension Service publication, "The Best Plants For 30 Tough Sites," located here:  

An Ask Extension Expert Replied March 23, 2021, 3:49 PM EDT

Can you suggest a web site or face-book address to contact people wishing to uproot plants in my area (Macalester Groveland)

The Question Asker Replied March 26, 2021, 1:46 PM EDT

Can you suggest a web-site or face-book address to contact for people interested in coming here to uproot plants for their own use,thanks,Patrick.


From: Ask Extension [mailto:<personal data hidden>]
Sent: Tuesday, March 23, 2021 2:50 PM
To: finnertyesmonde
Subject: Re: killing hydrangea roots (#0010329)


The Question Asker Replied March 26, 2021, 1:59 PM EDT


I would suggest searching Facebook for gardening groups in your area.  

An Ask Extension Expert Replied March 26, 2021, 3:55 PM EDT

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