
Is this a weed? #739963

Asked March 20, 2021, 4:02 PM EDT

Could you please identify this plant that's in my son's yard in Burnsville? It's spreading.

Dakota County Minnesota

Expert Response

Hello!  Happy to help.

It might be a wild geranium, a native plant that prefers shady spots.  Is the area shady?  

It would help to know the time of bloom, bloom color and shape of the bloom.  Also, what are the stems like, hairy or not, smooth or ridged?  When it blooms, send along this extra information and maybe new photos in a reply to this message and I'll do some more research.  

Here is a link to the Minnesota Wildflowers web page about wild geraniums for your information.

I hope I've been of some help.

eGardener Replied March 21, 2021, 12:44 PM EDT

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