
Dying Holly Trees? #739543

Asked March 17, 2021, 9:55 PM EDT

I have several Holly tress that lost their foliage last year.  Today I noticed regrowth along the trunk of two of the trees. Does this mean they are salvageable? Should I prune the dead branches? What did they lose the leaves in the first place? 

Anne Arundel County Maryland

Expert Response

It's impossible for us to say what has impacted your hollies.  If you put down a herbicide on the area that contained dicamba, for instance, the toxicity may have gone through the soil and killed many roots.  

At any rate, some roots are alive and trying to keep your trees alive. Prune out all dead growth. Cut back to the healthiest growth. Water during droughts for the next 2 years. Hollies can be very resilient. 


Ellen Replied March 18, 2021, 10:56 AM EDT

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