
Chocolate Mimosa tree #738994

Asked March 14, 2021, 11:08 AM EDT

Hi I have admired the chocolate mimosa tree for a couple of years now however I read that mimosa trees can be invasive. I just saw a few chocolate mimosas the other day for sale at a local nursery. Things I read online says that mimosa trees are invasive but they don't always refer to the chocolate ones. Are the chocolate ones cinsidered to be invasive and discouraged the same way the regular mimosa trees are? I really like the chocolate look and the flowers on the tree, but I don't want to plant something that will be a problem later on.

Williamson County Texas

Expert Response

Unlike regular Mimosa, the Chocolate Mimosa is not considered to be invasive. It is an attractive, low maintenance and fast-growing tree that can do well in this area. You may, however, want to pick up the seed pods in the fall to prevent new growth.

The following article provides some additional information about the care of Chocolate Mimosa:

About Summer Chocolate Mimosa - Information On The Care Of Chocolate Mimosa (

Good luck - sounds as if this would be a great specimen tree as long as you have the space for it.

Liz Stansfeld
Travis County Master Gardener

Travis County Master Gardeners Replied March 15, 2021, 12:13 PM EDT

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